New England Classical Singers is a highly accomplished choral ensemble of 30+ voices that performs significant choral works from a variety of centuries and styles. Auditions for prospective members are held twice a year–early September and mid-December–or by appointment. Singers should possess excellent musicianship skills including strong sight reading skills. The audition consists of a vocal warm-up, aural memory and pitch differentiation exercises, and sight reading. No prepared piece necessary.
Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at South Church, 41 Central Street, Andover, MA.
Soloists are selected from within the chorus for short songs, whereas professional soloists are hired for major works.
To schedule an appointment, please fill out the audition form. Someone from the Membership Committee will contact you to arrange a specific time slot. For more information, please call 978-888-4107 or email